Saturday, November 27, 2021

Louis riel essay

Louis riel essay

louis riel essay

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Gabriel Dumont | The Canadian Encyclopedia

Signing up enhances your TCE experience with the ability to save items to your personal reading list, and access the interactive map. Gabriel Dumont, Métis leader born December at Red River Settlement ; died 19 May at Bellevue, SK. Dumont rose to political prominence in an age of declining buffalo herds. He fought for decades for the economic prosperity and political independence of his people.

Dumont was a prominent hunt chief and warrior, but is best known for his role in louis riel essay North-West Resistance as a key Métis military commander and ally of Louis Riel. Dumont remains a popular Métis folk hero, remembered for his selflessness and bravery during the conflict of and for his unrivaled skill as a Métis hunt chief, louis riel essay.

Gabriel Dumont was the eldest son of Métis hunter Isidore Dumont and grandson of French Canadian voyageur Jean-Baptiste Dumont. The Dumonts were a prominent Métis buffalo hunting family with a notable history of brigade leadership in the Saskatchewan country, louis riel essay. Introduced to Métis buffalo hunting life in his early childhood, Gabriel Dumont mastered the many necessities of prairie life.

Dumont could converse in seven languages, including Michif, Blackfoot, Sioux, Cree, Crow, and French, although he never learned more than a few words of English.

He was an excellent marksman with both bow and rifle, a splendid horseman who possessed an extensive knowledge of prairie geographyand, like all Métis leaders, he had mastered the diplomatic culture of the northern plains. Inat the young age of 13, Dumont was introduced to plains warfare when he fought at the Battle of Grand Coteau, defending a Métis encampment against a large Dakota war party. Inaccompanied by his father, he concluded a treaty between the Métis and the Dakota.

Dumont's skill as a buffalo hunter led louis riel essay his election as hunt chief of the Saskatchewan Métis ina role he maintained until aboutby which time buffalo herds had virtually disappeared from the region. Dumont was a visionary louis riel essay who recognized that the decline of the buffalo alongside increased Canadian agricultural settlement would result in great change on the prairies.

He undertook a long-term political program aimed at maintaining the political and economic independence of Saskatchewan Métis, louis riel essay. Louis riel essay 10 DecemberDumont called a meeting to form a new government for the Métis settlement of St. Laurent on the South Saskatchewan River. He was immediately elected president of the new Council of St.

A Métis government based on the buffalo hunt, the Council institutionalized the Métis system of landholding on the South Saskatchewan River and devised a foundational legal code. With popular participation, Dumont instituted a formalized constitution that was written down for posterity by the local priest, Father André. As president, Dumont oversaw a committee of elected councillors and assumed the role of mediator, louis riel essay, working out disputes among the people of St.

Laurent faced political interference from its inception. Dumont had made clear to Canadian officials that the community was simply forming a local government and not a secessionist movement, and many colonial officials saw little cause for alarm. At the same time, the Council did seek a degree of autonomous sovereignty, and had no intention of relinquishing the territory to the Canadian land surveyors who began arriving in the s and refused to respect the Métis system of land tenure.

Sir John A. Dumont and his council sent several petitions to Ottawa in the early s, insisting that Parliament recognize their land holdings and include river lots in the Dominion survey of the West. Having received no official response, the Métis at St. Laurent felt compelled to protect their land on their own terms. Dumont and several of his councillors decided in March to approach Louis Rielwhom the Métis considered an expert on dealing with Canada.

A delegation was dispatched two months later to request that Riel travel to Saskatchewan to advise the people there on how to protect their lands and their freedoms. Dumont travelled with three others to St. Riel and Dumont would develop a close friendship from that point on. In Marchlouis riel essay, as Métis attempts to negotiate with the Dominion government had still gone unanswered, Dumont called a general meeting of the St, louis riel essay. Laurent Métis at Batoche. Several of the Métis present suggested taking up arms louis riel essay defend their lands against Canadian settlement.

Dumont offered to lead the St. Laurent defence if the people were committed to it. When this meeting resolved to form a new provisional government — the Provisional Government of Saskatchewan — in order to negotiate with Canada and defend Métis lands, louis riel essay, Dumont was chosen as the "adjutant-general," organizing about Métis soldiers in the same manner as the buffalo hunt.

While Riel was officially the president of the provisional government, Dumont remained a central leader in the community and responsible for many political and military decisions. Around this time, rumours louis riel essay the Métis planned to attack Fort Carlton circulated, and the NWMP was dispatched to quash the Métis government. The Métis hastily organized a defence, and met with the NWMP near Duck Lake on 26 March Many Métis maintained that this battle was fought in self-defence, as the Canadians opened fire, killing diplomats who were sent to avoid armed conflict.

Dumont was shot in the head during the battle, the bullet glancing off his skull. Louis riel essay nursed this injury during the rest of the North-West Resistancebut it did not prevent him from leading his soldiers. Aware that more Canadian troops, organized by General Frederick Middletonwere heading towards them, Dumont proposed a clandestine guerilla campaign that would target railroads and Canadian soldiers.

The Provisional Government decided against the campaign. Riel preferred a peaceful resolution to hostilities, choosing to confront Canadian soldiers only when no other options were available. At Batoche, Dumont led a spirited four-day defence of the community between 9 and 12 May Despite facing a superior force, he incapacitated a military river steamer and repelled several infantry pushes. On the fourth day, louis riel essay, when Métis were out of ammunition and were shooting nails and scrap metal, the Canadians broke through their lines.

Batoche was sacked, and Dumont was forced into hiding. Dumont remained in the Batoche area for days after it fell, distributing blankets to the displaced Métis women and children and making sure that they were safe from harm, louis riel essay.

He also searched for Riel, who had surrendered before Dumont could find him. Upon learning that Riel was in custody, Dumont left for the United States.

Dumont was still a wanted man in Canada and had developed a popular louis riel essay in the Saskatchewan territory. It was also said that when Dumont was in hiding, soldiers looking for him made little attempt to find him after learning that he was still armed with his famed rifle, Le petit, louis riel essay.

Upon arriving in the US, Louis riel essay and his companion Michel Dumas were detained, but the local authorities shortly received a communiqué from the Oval Office ordering their release. In Julythe Canadian government announced an amnesty for Louis riel essay. He seems to have travelled through the US extensively in the years that followed, and visited Montréal in and Saskatchewan two years later.

Inhe returned to Batoche permanently, where he dictated two vivid memoirs of the North-West Resistance, louis riel essay. He died suddenly of heart failure on 19 May His life serves as an example of selflessness, as he continued to protect vulnerable Métis families after Batoche had fallen, and fought a war to protect Métis lands from settlement knowing that his own land title would be recognized by the Dominion government.

Dumont thus had everything to lose by fighting in In fact, his own home was burned and pillaged by Canadians, whereupon he lived with relatives for louis riel essay rest of his life. His life was remembered with much more fondness in the years following than the more divisive Louis Riel. However, with the revival louis riel essay interest in Métis history, politics and culture, both Riel and Dumont have become popular public figures for Métis and Canadians alike, louis riel essay.

For many Métis, Dumont represents the best of Métis culture. Dumont is remembered in countless stories, poems, books and works of art. His namesake adorns many Métis institutions, most notably the premier Métis research centre, the Gabriel Dumont Institute of Native Studies and Applied Louis riel essay, which has published a book by Darren R. Préfontaine on the legacy of Dumont: Gabriel Dumont: Li Chef Michif in Images and in Louis riel essay. Darren R.

Préfontaine, Gabriel Dumont: Li Chef Michif in Images and in Words Thomas Flanagan, Louis 'David' Riel: Prophet of the New World George F. Stanley, The Birth of Western Canada: A History of the Riel Rebellions and Louis Riel George Woodcock, Gabriel Dumont: The Metis Chief and His Lost World Gabriel Dumont, louis riel essay, Gabriel Dumont, Memoirs: The Memoirs as Dictated by Gabriel Dumont.

Translated by Lise Gaboury-Diallo Joseph Boyden, Extraordinary Canadians: Louis Riel and Gabriel Dumont Blair Stonechild and Bill Waiser, Loyal Till Death: Indians and the North-West Rebellion Howard Adams, Prison of Grass: Canada from a Native Point of Viewrev. From The Virtual Museum of Métis History and Culture. Louis Riel Watch the Heritage Minute about legendary Métis leader Louis Riel from Historica Canada.

See also related online learning resources, louis riel essay. Canadian Aboriginal Writing and Arts Challenge The website for the Canadian Aboriginal Writing and Arts Challenge, which features Canada's largest essay writing competition for Aboriginal youth ages and a companion program for those who prefer to work through louis riel essay, drawing and photography.

See their guidelines, teacher resources, profiles of winners, and more. From Historica Canada. Gabriel Dumont A biography of Gabriel Dumont, Métis hunter, merchant, ferryman, and political and military leader. From the Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online. Search The Canadian Encyclopedia.

Remember me. I forgot my password. Why sign up? Create Account. Suggest an Edit. Louis riel essay your suggested edit s to this article in the form field below. The Canadian Encyclopedia09 SeptemberHistorica Canada. Accessed 27 November

Tongafa History - Louis Riel Pt. 1, The Red River Rebellion

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Louis Riel - Wikipedia

louis riel essay

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