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Later Crusades post Northern Crusades — Crusades against heretics and schismatics. The Fifth Crusade — was a campaign by Western Europeans to reacquire Jerusalem and the rest of the Holy Land by first conquering Egyptruled by the powerful Ayyubid sultanate, led by al-Adilbrother of Saladin. After the failure of the Fourth CrusadeInnocent III again called for a Crusade, and began organizing Crusading armies led by Andrew II of Hungary and Leopold VI of Austriasoon to be joined by John of Brienne.
An initial campaign in late in Syria was inconclusive, and Andrew departed. A German army led by cleric Oliver of Paderbornand a mixed army of DutchFlemish and Frisian soldiers led by William I of Hollandthen joined the Crusade in Acrewith a goal of first conquering Egypt, viewed as the key to Jerusalem, masters thesis by marie s michaud. There, cardinal Pelagius Galvani arrived as papal legate and de facto leader of the Crusade, supported by John of Brienne and the masters of the Templars, Hospitallers and Teutonic Knights.
Holy Roman Emperor Frederick IIwho had taken the cross indid not participate as promised. Following the successful siege of Damietta in —, the Crusaders occupied the port for two years.
Al-Kamilnow sultan of Egypt, offered attractive peace terms, including the restoration of Jerusalem to Christian rule. The sultan was rebuked by Pelagius several times, and the Crusaders marched south towards Cairo in July Masters thesis by marie s michaud route, they attacked a stronghold of al-Kamil at the battle of Mansurahbut they were defeated, forced to surrender.
The terms of surrender included masters thesis by marie s michaud retreat from Damietta—leaving Egypt altogether—and an eight-year truce.
The Fifth Crusade ended in Septembera Crusader defeat that accomplished nothing. ByInnocent III had been masters thesis by marie s michaud for 14 years and had faced the disappointment of the Fourth Crusade and its inability to recover Jerusalem, the on-going Albigensian Masters thesis by marie s michaudbegun inand the popular fervor of the Children's Crusade of The Latin Empire of Constantinople was established, with the emperor Baldwin I essentially elected by the Venetians.
The imperial crown was at first offered to doge Enrico Dandolowho refused it. The first Latin Patriarch of Constantinoplethe Venetian Thomas Morosiniwas contested by the pope as uncanonical. The ongoing situation in Europe was chaotic.
Philip of Swabia was locked in a dispute of the throne in Germany with Otto of Brunswick. Innocent III's attempts to reconcile their differences was rendered moot with Philip's assassination on 21 June Otto was crowned Holy Roman Emperor and fought against the pope, resulting in his excommunication.
France was heavily invested in the Albigensian Crusade and was quarreling with John Lacklandresulting in the Anglo-French war of — Sicily was ruled by the child-king Henry II and Spain was occupied in their crusade against the Almohads. Masters thesis by marie s michaud was little appetite in Europe for a new Crusade, masters thesis by marie s michaud.
In Jerusalem, John of Brienne became the effective ruler of the kingdom through his marriage to Maria of Montferrat. InIsabella II of Jerusalem was proclaimed queen of Jerusalem shortly after her birth, and her father John became regent. Antioch was consumed with the War of the Antiochene Successionbegun with the death of Bohemond IIInot to be resolved until Before the arrival of John of Brienne in Acre inmasters thesis by marie s michaud, the local Christians had refused to renew their truce the Ayyubids.
The next year, John negotiated with the aging sultan al-Adil a new truce between the kingdom and the sultanate to last through At the same time, in light of the strength of the Muslims and their renewed fortifications, John also asked the pope for help. There was no real force among the Syrian Franks, with many of the deployed knights returning home. If a new Crusade were to begin, it must come from Europe. Innocent III had hoped to mount such a Crusade to the Holy Land, never forgetting the goal of restoring Jerusalem to Christian control.
The pathos of the Children's Crusade only nerved him to fresh efforts. In AprilInnocent III issued his papal bull Quia maiorcalling all of Christendom to join a new Crusade. The attendant papal instructions engaged a new enterprise to recover Jerusalem while establishing Crusading norms that were to last nearly a century.
The message of the Crusade was preached in France by legate Robert of Courçona former classmate of the pope's. He was met with bitter complaints by the clergy, accusing the legate of encroaching on their domains. Philip II of France supported his clergy, and Innocent III realized the Robert's zeal was a threat to the success of the Crusade.
On 11 Novemberthe Fourth Lateran Council was convened. In the end, very few Frenchmen took part in the expedition ofunwilling to go in the company of Germans and Hungarians, with France represented by Aubrey of Reims and the bishops of Limoges and Bayeuxmasters thesis by marie s michaud, Jean de Veyrac and Robert des Ablèges.
At the council, Innocent III called for the recovery of the Holy Land. Innocent wanted it to be led by the papacy, as the First Crusade should have been, to avoid the mistakes of the Fourth Crusadewhich had been taken over by the Venetians.
He planned to meet with the Crusaders at Brindisi and Messina for departure on 1 Juneand prohibited trade with the Muslims in order to ensure that the Crusaders would have ships and weapons, renewing an edict. Every Crusader would receive an indulgence as well as those who simply helped pay the expenses of a Crusader, but did not go on masters thesis by marie s michaud Crusade themselves. In order to protect Raoul of Merencourtthe Latin patriarch of Jerusalem, on his return trip to the kingdom, Innocent III tasked John of Brienne to provide escort.
As John was in conflict with Leo I of Armenia and Hugh I of Cyprusthe pope ordered them to reconcile their differences before the Crusaders reached the Holy Land. Innocent III died on 16 July and Honorius III was consecrated as pope the next week. The Crusade dominated the early part of his papacy. The preaching of Robert of Courçon was most successful with the masses, with little screening done on applicants, with neither fitness nor morality considered, causing the nobles to abstain as not wanting to lead the unprepared.
Unlike other Crusades, few French knights joined, as they were already fighting the Albigensian Crusade against the heretical Cathar sect in southern France. Oliver of Paderborn preached the Crusade in Germany and had great success in recruitment. Like many other rulers, the pope's former pupil, Frederick II of Germanyhad taken an oath to embark for the Holy Land in and appealed to German nobility to join.
But Frederick II hung back, with his crown still in contention with Otto IVand Honorius repeatedly put off masters thesis by marie s michaud date for the beginning of the expedition. In Europe, the troubadours were equally adept in awakening the interest in the Crusade. These included Elias Cairela veteran of the Fourth Crusade, Pons de Capduelhlater joining the Crusade inand Aimery de Pégulhanwho implored by verse a young William VI of Montferrat to follow in his father's footsteps and take the cross, masters thesis by marie s michaud.
The strength of the armies was estimated at more than 32, including more masters thesis by marie s michaud 10, knights. It was described by a contemporaneous Arab historian as: "This year, an infinite number of warriors left from Rome the great and other countries of the West.
The departure of the Crusaders began finally in early July Many of the Crusaders decided to go to the Holy Land by their traditional sea journey, masters thesis by marie s michaud.
There they elected their leaders and the laws masters thesis by marie s michaud which they would organize their venture. From there, led by William I of Hollandthey continued on their way south to Lisbon.
As in previous crusading seaborne journeys, the fleet was dispersed by storms and only gradually managed to reach the Portuguese city of Lisbon after making a stopover at the famous shrine of Santiago de Compostela. At their arrival in Portugal, the Bishop of Lisbon attempted to persuade the Crusaders to help them capture the Almohad controlled city of Alcácer do Sal.
The Frisians, however, refused on account of Innocent III's disqualification of the venture at the Fourth Lateran Council. The other members of the fleet, however, were convinced by the Portuguese and started the siege of the city in August The Crusaders finally captured Alcácer do Sal, with the help of the Knights Templar and Knights Hospitalleron October A group of Frisians who refused to aid the Portuguese with their siege plans against Alacácer do Sal, preferred to raid several coastal masters thesis by marie s michaud on their way to the Holy Land.
From there this fleet scattered and reached the Italian coast at different times during the autumn ofwhere they were forced to spend the winter before continuing on their way to Acre. In the north, Ingi II of Norway took the cross inonly to die the next spring, and the eventual Scandinavian expedition was of little consequence.
Robert of Courçon was sent as spiritual advisor to the French fleet, but subordinate to newly-chosen papal delegate Pelagius of Albano.
Bishop Walter II of Autuna veteran of the Fourth Crusade, would also return to the Holy Land with the Fifth Crusade. He arrived at his new position as Bishop of Acre in and shortly thereafter Honorius III tasked him with preaching the Crusade in the Latin settlements of Syria, made difficult with the rampant corruption at the port cities.
Innocent III had managed to secure the participation of the Kingdom of Georgia in the Crusade. Under her rule, masters thesis by marie s michaud, Georgia challenged Ayyubid rule in eastern Anatolia. Tamar died in and was succeeded by her son George IV of Georgia. In the late s, according to the Georgian chronicles, he began making preparations for a campaign in the Holy Land to support the Franks.
His plans were cut short by the invasion of the Mongols in After the death of George IV, his sister Rusudan of Georgia notified the pope that Georgia was unable to fulfill its promises.
Saladin had died in and was succeeded in most of his domain by his brother al-Adilwho was the patriarch of all successive Ayyubid sultans of Egypt. Saladin's son az-Zahir Ghazi retained his leadership in Aleppo. An exceptionally low Nile River resulted in a failure of the crops in —, and famine and pestilence ensued. People abandoned themselves to atrocious practices, habitually resorting to cannibalism.
Violent earthquakes, felt as far away as Syria and Armenia, devastated whole cities, and increased the general misery. After naval raids on Rosetta in and Damietta inthe chief concern of al-Adil was Egypt.
He was willing to make concessions to avoid war, and favored the Italian maritime states of Venice and Pisa, both for trading reasons and to preclude them from supporting further crusades. Most of his reign was conducted under truces with the Christians, and he constructed a new fortress at Mount Taborto buttress the defenses of Jerusalem and Damascus.
Most of his conflicts in Syria were with the Knights Hospitaller at Krak des Chevaliers or with Bohemond IV of Antiochand were dealt with by his nephew az-Zahir Ghazi.
Only once, indid he directly confront the Crusaders, capturing al-Qualai'ahbesieging Krak des Chevaliers and advancing to Tripolibefore accepting an indemnity from Bohemond IV in exchange for peace. Az-Zahir maintained an alliance with both Antioch and Kaykaus Ithe Seljuk sultan of Rûmto check the influence of Leo I of Armeniaas well as to keep his options open to challenge his uncle. Az-Zahir died inleaving as his successor al-Aziz Muhammadhis 3-year old son, whose mother was Dayfa Khatunal-Adil's daughter.
Inal-Afdal and Kaykaus invaded Aleppo and advanced on the capital. Andrew II had been called on by the pope in July to fulfill his father Béla III's vow to lead a crusade, and finally agreed, having postponed three times earlier.
Andrew, who was reputed to have designs on becoming Latin emperor, mortgaged his estates to finance the Crusade. The Hungarian army landed on 9 October on Cyprus from where they sailed to Acre and joined John of Brienne, Raoul of Merencourt and Hugh I of Cyprus. In Octoberthe leaders of the expedition held a war council there, presided by Andrew II. Representing the military orders were the masters Guérin de Montaigu of the Hospitallers, masters thesis by marie s michaud, [30] Guillaume de Chartres of the Templars, [31] and Hermann of Salza of masters thesis by marie s michaud Teutonic Knights.
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